
The VortexWave Cavity-Backed Spiral Antenna lineup is designed to meet the demanding requirements of advanced communication systems with its superior broadband performance, circular polarization, and compact form factor. These antennas are crucial for satellite communication, particularly in LEO, MEO, and GEO satellites, ensuring reliable uplink and downlink operations across wide frequency ranges. In radar systems, including ground-penetrating radar and airborne radar, the VortexWave antennas offer exceptional frequency coverage and high sensitivity, enabling precise detection and tracking. For electronic warfare, these antennas provide robust capabilities for signal interception and jamming across extensive spectra.


  • Electronic Warfare: Intercepting and jamming enemy signals
  • Radar Systems: D e t e c t i n g a n d t r a c k i n g o b j e c t s , GPR application
  • Wideband Direction Finding: Locate the source of radio transmission
  • Aircrafts and UAVs: Used in applications like RWR, Navigation Aids like VOR, TACAN etc
  • Satellite Communication: Uplink-Downlink communication and Weather satellites
  • Signal Intelligence: Providing critical info on enemy communications

Products :-

Parameter Specifications
Frequency Range 2 GHz – 18 GHz
VSWR 2:1
Impedance 50 Ω
Gain >1 dBiC
Directionality Directional
Polarization LHCP/RHCP
3dB Beamwidth 55o – 140o
10dB Beamwidth 110o – 200o
Axial Ratio <2 dB (typ)
Beam Squint <8o

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The VortexWave Cavity-Backed Spiral Antenna lineup is designed to meet the demanding requirements of advanced communication systems with its superior broadband performance, circular polariza


The VortexWave Cavity-Backed Spiral Antenna lineup is designed to meet the demanding requirements of advanced communication systems with its superior broadband performance, circular polariza


The VortexWave Cavity-Backed Spiral Antenna lineup is designed to meet the demanding requirements of advanced communication systems with its superior broadband performance, circular polariza